Sunday, February 8, 2009

Conservation and the Economy

I am curious to see how people think conservation will do in the current economic situation. One person has told me that when the economy falls, conservation and ecology benefits. I disagree. I think that people will conserve gas and money, but with job shortages tend to give less to ecological causes and governments get less worried about the environment and more interested in stimulating business. Any other opinions?

1 comment:

Dr B said...

How will conservation fare in today's tough economy? Decidedly mixed.

The screeching halt to frenetic housing and commercial development will surely save many special places, and may even give time to think about concentrating new development near the old. Definitely a plus.

It will be awful for emerging energy technologies (e.g. wind and solar). If long range vision is missing, the perfect storm of declining demand, low oil prices, and zero financing of risky projects will set us back a decade.

Other areas? Similarly mixed bag no doubt.

See you soon Jim!

Jim Booker, at